Bug Bounty and Pattern Questions

Please contact me via email if you have any questions.

If you are the first person to spot a problem in one of my patterns, I will buy you a pattern on Ravelry (up to USD8), or gift you 2 of my patterns.


  • Be the first person to email me at mathemaknitter@gmail.com. This is important as Instagram and Ravelry DMs are difficult for me to keep track of. 
  • It must lead to a change in the pattern. For instance, if my stitch counts are incorrect, that qualifies. If you and I disagree on the clarity of my wording, and I do not change the text, it does not qualify. 
  • If your question leads to a pattern change, it also qualifies. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello - is there a chance that you will offer Cornelius as a single pattern on ravelry? Other items from the book are singles now, so I hope you could do it, too. Thank you and all the best from Vienna/Austria. Gila
